Research Report of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, Natural History No.15:Collection and Utilization of Surface Peel Specimens

Research Report of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, Natural History No.15:Collection and Utilization of Surface Peel Specimens

Res. Rep. Kanagawa prefect. Mus. Nat. Hist., No.15, March 2017

Published: 2017-3-10

Japanese Index

Contents Page File

Collection, Registration, Conservation and Utilization of Surface Peel Specimens in Natural History Museums in Japan


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Physical and Chemical understanding of Surface Peeling Method from Outcrops

 Tomohiro KASAMA

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Techniques to Preserve and Collect Geological Evidences from Outcrops


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Small Rock Sampling by Hot Melt Glue-gun Sticks as fast Curing Adhesive

 Tomohiro KASAMA
21–26 Download(8MB)

Recording Outcrops with Stereogram

 Kiminori TAGUCHI

27–28 Download(1063KB)

Observation of Sedimentary Structures Using Resin Peels: Its Applications to Marine Biology and Paleontology


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Exhibition of Surface Peel Specimens in Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History

 Hiroyuki YAMASHITA, Saeko ISHIHAMA & Tomohiro KASAMA

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Peel Specimens of Sediments in Sagamihara City Museum

 Kiyokazu KAWAJIRI

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Making Peel Specimen by High School Students: the Mio–Pliocene Zushi Formation of the Miura Group, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan

 Kenichiro SHIBATA

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Surface Peel, Moulage and Block Sample Collection in Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History

 Saeko ISHIHAMA, Tomohiro KASAMA, Kiminori TAGUCHI, Mitsuharu OSHIMA, Shuichi NIIDA, Hajime TARU, Hiroyuki YAMASHITA & Daiji HIRATA

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Imprint   Download(458KB)